Monday, 30 September 2019

DAY 29: 5 goals for the next month


1. To make time for revision and actually work hard. To have a positive attitude to what I have chosen to learn.
2. Part of the new thing we're doing in our Youth group meetings, aka, Rooted, is to remember more of scripture and I guess my goal in this is to spend more time with God and want to start remembering/trying to remember the verses I read. We call it 'Hiding scripture in your 'heart.'
3. To get out of my comfort zone in college. I know that I can become quite closed and shy as soon as I enter the college environment and I hope and keep praying that I will gain more confidence in asking questions and also answering the ones asked to us.
4. To not be 'lazy'. One of the things I've been praying about at the moment is for some energy as such. I can be really quite lazy with a lot of things and I don't want to be, I want to put more energy and enthusiasm into things and relationships. 
5. To carry on keeping my blog up. I really enjoy writing my blog and it's been fun doing this 30-day writing challenge and I hope that I can push myself to keep going with my blog. I'm gonna try at least do it once or twice a month.
I thought I'd keep myself to 5 fairly simple goals because I didn't want to set too many goals that I would then feel overwhelmed with. If you have any goals for the next month, let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading, hope you've enjoyed it if you made it to the end.


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