Wednesday 6 January 2016

Boxing day~So many people and so much fun

 Boxing day is always filled with lots of laughs, selfies and noise.

On Boxing day, it has become a tradition to have all our cousins, aunties, Uncles and our Nanny and Grandad round. There is about 21-23 people in our house each year on boxing day so it can get crazy. All of us girls just go upstairs talk and take selfies. the little boys are normally playing with their Lego or something in their room and the adults will be being adults downstairs.

 All our cousins are so much fun, they're so beautiful and I love them so much.

For lunch its always a choice of chilli with you jacket-potato or something to with pasta. We then have pudding after and we always get filled up with cake and food.

Boxing day is also the day we get to eat out lovely, yummy Gingerbread houses.
 I always miss the cousins as soon as they have gone and I hope that we are going to see them again in February half term for our birthdays.

  Hugs from,

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