Thursday 3 March 2016

My birthday

I got pretty much everything I asked for for my birthday and I had lots of fun spending the day with my family.
I got a lovely headband from my mum and dad, a necklace to match my earings I got for Christmas, a bible and the newer film version of Annie.
I don't think I've told you this, but we have repainted and decorated our room to make it more grown up. On my birthday we painted for pretty much the whole day.

Once we had done the first coat of paint I had my haircut and I love it !!
We had a rice salad, which I asked for and a yummy marble cheesecake for my birthday cake.

I also asked for a jam rolly poly cake.

I had lots of fun on Saturday. I can't believe that I'm 14 and that next year I'll be 15 and could be going to college. My next blog will be a before and after of our room...
Hope you enjoyed!

Hugs from,

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