Monday, 2 March 2015

My Birthday!

Last Friday was my Birthday so lets get started.

On Fridays we don't do school so I stayed in bed till 8:00am, when we did presents, I got:

  • Money
  • A pretty watch
  • My watch and my favourite card from my mum and dad:) Thank you!!
  • Chocolate - Toffifee, Ripples and Milk Tray chocolates.

After presents was Dyeing my hair red. I love it so much, but while I was waiting for it to sink in I got Facebook:)

It looks way better than last year:)


 That was it for Friday, but on Saturday in the morning I went to get my ears pierced. I love them:)

 I had to wait ages for my birthday tea in the evening because very cleverly DD managed to fracture his finger doing gymnastics, so my dad had to wait in A an E for ages( about 3 hours). My Chinese takeaway was at 8:00pm.

                                                                And for my cake...
A brownie cheese cake!!:)

I had the the best birthday EVER!!!! thank you so much mum and dad!!!

Thank you for reading and please leave a comment on if you think my hair and earings look good:)


1 comment:

The world was designed for us to live in harmony, so please be nice. Constructive criticism is always welcome though ;)

Thanks for coming by.