Tuesday 29 January 2013

Mum in the loo.

Today my mum got stuck in the loo.Basicly are door in the upstairs loo is really dodgy the handle doesn't go down propilly.Mum got stuck because the handle got completely stuck we had to take the handle off to see what the problem was.Dad had to come home from work:).We have a piece of string in the bathroom which  is tied to the window.Us kids were waiting for dad who was at work.But while we were waiting we past a packet of crisps a banana and some coffee in a flask on the string throw the window.Then dad arrived and mum finally got out off the loo.She also got amused cause we also gave her an imposspuzzle its an impossible puzzle she managed to do the edges.So mums out know mum was in for about half an hour or so.And also all the snow has gone and if you go on facebook you will see are crushed not there any more igloo.BY

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