Thursday, 3 December 2020

Last post of 2020

 So I was/am really struggling to come up with an idea for a creative Christmas post and possibly my last post of 2020!! I guess I'll just random until those blog post forms into something.

This year has been wild, but still at the same time, isn't it crazy that despite the wildness of Covid-19, it's also made life so still and slow. As much as I've hated not being able to see anyone or do much this year, It's been a really good year spiritually and emotionally. God has taught me and shown me so much of who he is, and who I am in Him, and how to truly surrender and trust his ways. It has really been a journey this year. 
Anyway, let's have a look at November, and then we'll go back and talk more about Christmas and how this year has gone.

Guy Fawks night was pretty normal for us because most years we stay near our house, playing with sparklers and watching everybody else's firework displays in the park.

At one point in November, I had my own little disco party in my bedroom because the others were out recording for church.

My younger sister had her 17th Birthday.

And then came December. To welcome the countdown of Jesus' Birth I painted my nails with a subtle Christmas design, and then just yesterday I painted them a bit more Christmassy.

For the first few days of December I've mostly cuddled cats, watched Cristmas movies, or done festive activities like looking for Christmas presents, painting Christmas cards or painting my nails Christmassy. 
As a special gift to all us kids our Parents got all of us our first ever chocolate calenders. It really makes up for how boring this year has been. I've always wanted a chocolate calender and I got so excited when my parents surprised me with one.

Looks like we're all caught up. This Saturday we are putting our tree up and I am very excited. However it's going to be interesting trying to decorate the tree with the kittens around. December will probably consist of what I've already been doing, plus more family games and laughs. I honestly love the Christmas season, its always a great way to end the year. To end the year with the celebration and hop of the birth of Jesus Christ is so wonderful. Especially after this year. This year will be different, we won't be able to meet with much of our extended family this year, but we will hopefully have our Granny here for Christmas and Joel returns to us from Uni on the 13th.

You know, its kinda funny. I am constantly complaining about this year, but personally in my life, this year hasn't been terrible. Yes the whole pandemic thing stopped me from doing a lot of things this year like getting a job and going on a trip with my friends before they went off to Uni. I didn't even get to celebrate their birthdays with them, but despite all this, I have broken the habit of biting my nails, I have started to learn to drive, I have kept up my blog, I've applied for university, I've got kittens, I've joined the worship team in church and so much more, not to mention my relationship with Christ has never been better and I am actually building healthy habits like reading my bible (almost) every morning. There are so many things I'd wished I could have done this year, as I am sure this is the case for many, but think about all the good things you might have done this year. Have you reconnected with an old friend? Have you started to work out and enjoy it? Have you started to eat healthier? Have you reconnected with family? Have you learnt a a new hobby or more about a particular subject you enjoy? Have you had the time to binge one of your favourite TV shows (I know I have)? This year has not been all bad, I don't think the world has ever been more connected and together, fighting for things like the lives of our dearly loved black people and all the beautiful lives of the people on this earth that deserve better. I also believe that so many people have come to Christ through this pandemic. So many people have had more access to loads of different churches through the internet and Youtube and everything. I was reading a blog about some of the things The Bible App have achieved this year and there are over a million people that have downloaded the app and read all sorts of different devotionals on it. It's so amazing to see all that God has been doing in this year despite the crazy storm of the world. 

I pray that whatever you have faced this year that you would not let it take hold of you. Let it go as we enter the hope of Christmas. You have made it through 2020, lets just focus on that. Keep hold of the stuff that's brought you joy this year. May this next year bring a lot more joy and peace, and love to you. May we all find freedom and rest in our lives this next year.

I truly do hope 2021 is better for the world. I know that its not going to be suddenly better from the 1st of January, but it will get better in time because God has never and will never stop working.

I think that's enough from me for 2020. I hope you all have a very merry, wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New Year. See you in 2021. 


Wednesday, 4 November 2020

We've made it this far, we can make it further.

The World is dying, but I have hope! I know that might be a bit of a depressing way to start this blog, but I wanted to let you know, whoever is reading this, that the world may feel as though it is ending, which it probably is, but God is still on the throne. We may not understand why any of this is happening, I can admit that I am a little annoyed at God that this is happening, but He knows what he is doing, he knows that we can make it through this otherwise he wouldn't have put us through this. There is still hope. Don't lose hope, help is on the way.

So, what have I been doing to get through this time of uncertainty as we go back into yet another lockdown? Not much honestly, but I thought I'd share some art that I've done recently. We also did a bit of pumpkin carving. My cats are always the joy of my day, family time is always great, playing games, going on walks, getting coffee, watching movies together. Then apart from that, I've been binging some of my favorite shows on Netflix and feeling festive ready for the Christmas season.





I would love to hear about what you have been up to to get through these sucky times. Have you taken up a new hobby? Have you had zoom meetings with friends once a week? Or have you just been in bed watching your favorite shows to make you happy? Whatever it is, just know that it's one day at a time and we've survived this long.
I find myself having to remind myself that it is one day at a time because otherwise, I get super stressed and angry at the world. I don't need to worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. All that should matter is what I do with my time right now.
I praise God for getting me this far. He is the one who has been keeping me steady and actually enabling me to have the energy and motivation to get up each morning.

Anyway, I'm sort of rambling on now, I hope this has distracted you or entertained you for a minute or so. Thanks always for reading.


Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Some Autumn Sunshine For You All.

 I've had some fun autumn walks recently, so here are some fun, autumn aesthetic pictures to hopefully brighten your day.



Happy October people. I hope all is well, and even when life feels crap, remember to look up at the pretty sunset-coloured leaves that are falling to give you a little sunshine.

(Ew cheesy I know, oh well)

See you later,

Monday, 5 October 2020

September Recap

 Well, basically nothing happened in September and it will probably be the same for October. However, I did apply for University a few days ago which is exciting. I applied for Reading, Reaseheath, and Chester University. all the courses I applied for were either Zoology or Wildlife Conservation related. I am actually really excited for university, but also really nervous about whether I'm going to get in. My first choice is definitely Reading, I mean I think I am literally in love with the campus, but I also know that it takes a lot to get in. Honestly, I'm trusting God with where I need to be and that he will put me in the right place. 

Other than applying for uni, all my other time is spent playing with kittens, looking for jobs, taking driving lessons, or just playing on my phone because there ain't anything to do.

Looking for jobs is basically really hard because most of the jobs are manager jobs and I can't be a manager until I've at least had some retail experience. Or the jobs are really far away and I have to spend an hour getting there, or I can't drive and they need me to drive or something else that is the really annoying meaning I'm not eligible for the job. 

Driving is just hard. Some days I'll do alright and others I'll do terrible. There are so many things to concentrate on and think about and then there's all the theory as well and it's all so much. But, besides it being hard, I do enjoy it a lot and I can't wait until I can actually do it and pass my test.

I had to say goodbye to my friends at the beginning of September as they were all off to Uni, which was sad, but they seem to be doing good and it's not like I'll never see them again.

I did go for a walk with the fam at one point. It was a cute walk.

I also went for a morning coffee with my sisters for the first time in a while. It was my first Costa in months and tasted pretty good.

The only other thing is kittens, so here's some kitten spam for you.

You're very welcome!!

Thanks for reading, I'm hoping something exciting will happen in October, but if it doesn't, well, I don't know what I'm going to do.
