Wednesday, 25 October 2017

You Were Made On Purpose, For A Purpose, For Such A Time As This

The Gathering 2017 was an answer to prayer for me. It taught me loads, it reminded me of how perfect God and his plans are, that everyone needs to be exactly were they are because that is were God has anointed you for such a time as this.

To start the half term off I did my sisters and my henna.

We arrived at The Gathering on Saturday morning, said hello to all our Gathering friends for about an hour and then the first celebration service started!

The hosts played games like 'Spill your Guts or Fill Your Guts' which was a lot of fun to watch!

The first sermon by Mike Pilavachi was incredible and it was an amazing start to the epic weekend ahead.
In the afternoon we had lunch and two sets of inspirational seminars.
The evening was the second celebration with a sermon from Tim Alford, where we learnt this...
He taught us about the story of Esther through minions and it was very inspiring to listen to.

We had about half an hour to eat dinner and go to the toilet before the epic silent disco with 3 DJ's started. The silent disco was so much fun and I definitely want to do it again!

This was everyone singing along to one of the songs that one of the DJ's was playing.

That was the end of Saturday and we were all exhausted!

Sunday is only half a day so we had our first celebration service and the preach was done by Mike Pilavachi again. We had lunch and went into our second celebration service where the preach was spoken by Miriam Swaffield.
The monkeys that Tim is holding in the two pictures above (left and right)are the limitlessBagders.
It was so sad when it ended, but we celebrated at the end for all that God had done and everything he had taught us and for all the stronger friendships we created!

And just remember that 'You were made on purpose, for a purpose, for such a time as this!'
