Saturday, 4 July 2020

Life in Lockdown part 4

Well, not much has changed since I last wrote, I've just been taking each day as it comes and not worrying about tomorrow. 

At the beginning of June God gave me Matthew 6:34 which reads "So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today" and this is just what I've been living by for the past month. It has just really helped me to chill out and enjoy each thing as I do it. Last month I spent several moments being still, doing nothing or sitting and listening to God. It was so peaceful and the moments that I have had with God in being still have been so amazing and God has taught me so much. I hope in this next month I only learn more.

So, what did I actually do in June? I mean not loads, but, more than any other month. As we are slowly getting out of lockdown I've been doing more things and seeing more people, but obviously only outside and still social distancing. It has been so good to talk and chat with other people that aren't my family, I mean I love my family, but I've missed other people. 

So on the 15th of June, we celebrated my mom's birthday by spending it walking around the beautiful Lake District to Grasmere




I spent June doing a lot of art, including my 30-day drawing challenge.

On the 24th we went to spend some time with the people who's bearded dragon we looked after last year. It was a really nice day, just sitting in the sun, cuddling their new baby chickens, and chatting about stuff.

To celebrate our friend Rachel's birthday a few of us went over to Wirral Country Park to just chill by the water for a bit. I also did some weird rock 'art', but I don't think you could call it art. However my little bro did make a boat out of stones which sadly I don't have a picture of, but it was cute.

Over the end of June I didn't do much, just spent more time painting, I even attempted a Bob Ross painting with my sisters and a friend over zoom. I also did some shopping and bought two maxi dresses which I absolutely love, but apart from that I didn't do much and July has just started so I really haven't been doing much. I'm gonna try read a few books this month. Maybe, as we come out of lockdown, I might start looking for jobs, but I don't know, I'm not worrying about it and trusting in God for each day.

This update wasn't that exciting I know, but if there is anything you want to see me talk about let me know in the comments because these lockdown updates will probably be over next month. 
Thanks for reading.
